The Get Ethical Blog

Electric Vehicles Elizabeth Hatton Electric Vehicles Elizabeth Hatton

Is an EV reliable?

A recent Consumer Reports survey in the US indicates that EVs have more problems than ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) cars, despite their simpler drivetrains. The study surveyed 330,000+ car owners and identified 12 potential EV problem areas. The study considered severity of problems, track testing, safety data, and owner satisfaction. The results are surprising!

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Financial Planning, Tax Elizabeth Hatton Financial Planning, Tax Elizabeth Hatton

Free! Download the ATO app to stay on top of your expenses and tax

There’s a free tax app available via the ATO, to stay on top of all things income - expenses, tax and super. Feedback from clients is that they love it as it’s an easy way of keeping track of expenses.

You can use the app to log into the tax portal and have all of the relevant tax and super information, and tools all in the one place. Means that you get to free up your thinking space to doing good with your money and savings, and you spend less time hassling through the detail at tax time, and throughout the year as well.

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Super Funds, Superannuation, Financial Advice Elizabeth Hatton Super Funds, Superannuation, Financial Advice Elizabeth Hatton

Your Super & Your Returns – 2023 performance

In this blog post, we will dive into the performance of super funds to understand their true standing. We will analyze the top-performing funds over the financial year ending June 2023 and compare them to the top funds over a 10-year period.

Additionally, we will explore the rise of mega super funds and their future performance. We will also discuss the significance of asset class performance, considerations when evaluating super funds, and the valuation of unlisted assets.

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Electric Vehicles, Clean Energy, Emissions Elizabeth Hatton Electric Vehicles, Clean Energy, Emissions Elizabeth Hatton

Your choice: what’s my best option when I’m considering buying an electric vehicle in Australia?

What are we all wanting from EV’s in the first place - most likely, making an ethical and financial choice to swap to a less polluting and affordable car.

  • Find out about the current status of electric vehicles (EV’s) in Australia, including what’s known about emissions and also the latest in government policy.

  • Learn the differences in life cycle emissions between EVs, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and traditional combustion engine vehicles.

  • Find out why BEVs are becoming more popular than PHEVs and why it’s so difficult to secure EV supply in Australia.

It’s important to stay informed and make informed choices about your cleaner and more sustainable transport options.

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Tax, Superannuation, EOFY Elizabeth Hatton Tax, Superannuation, EOFY Elizabeth Hatton

How to claim your tax deduction for personal super contributions before 30 June 2024

Maximize Your Tax Deductions on Super Contributions

You can reduce your taxable income and boost your retirement savings by contributing to your super - the rules have changes so that

  • anyone under 67 years can claim a tax deduction for personal contributions

  • you can also make personal contributions up to age 75.

    Read on to find out more

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What the Greens + Labor government deal means for climate change

The deal struck between the Albanese government, the Greens and the Teals to get the Safeguard Mechanism (SGM) legislation through parliament is a significant step forward on the nation’s decarbonisation pathway.

Due to come into effect from 1 July 2023, the partnership enhances the ambition, public accountability, integrity and impact of the mechanism legislation initially proposed by the government, and while still far from perfect, it is a major advance on the current state of play.

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